Saturday 3 April 2010

Doctor Who:- The Eleventh Hour

As I have said before one, of my all time favourite Doctors was the second one. He was that perfect mix of wacky, authoritarian and adventurer. Always one to get himself neck deep into a problem before pulling a magnificent turn, switching the problem back in on itself. Twisting clever plots back onto the plotters and schemers.

Think Heath Leger's speech as the Joker in The Dark Knight, only the Doctor doesn't use bombs or knifes just his intellect and whatever is handy. It might be a little early, but I get the feeling Moffet likes Troughton's run just as much as I do. There are a lot of overtones, right up to the "Raggedy Doctor" and the inappropriate sarcasm.

Other than the Space hobo, Karren Gillan's Amy Pond reminds me of another Doctor Who main stay. Ace. Ace was fantastic, pretty much the first super feisty companion. She had a big old bag full of high explosives, a baseball bat and enough attitude to take on a Dalek in a fist fight. She'd lose but that wouldn't stop her. Amy might as well have been cut out of the same bolt of cloth, but she's a whole different animal.

Put it this way, Ace would never EVER be a Kiss-o-gram, least of all admit it. She was always little bit shy when it came to that side of the human condition. Even if Amy is still a child at heart she always was fearless. Just what we need, someone who enjoys the adventure just as much as the Doctor. Even if the Doctor is the adventure! No more companion romances like Rose or Martha!

Now for the third character, the TARDIS. It's beautiful, literary gorgeous. It truly is organic and for the first time, in my opinion it looks alien. Not just alien but truly so far beyond anything we can hope to produce. The TARDIS lords it over all the other shows out there, as it should. No more comparisons to Farscape, it really is unique and what the Doctor deserves.

So on to the episode. Actually there's not much more; the foundations of a season long plot arc, alright two and some clever camera trickery. Still a good bit of drama, action and some fantastic acting. What drove this episode was the characters. The good guys and the bad had personality. The villain had a reason to escape, in fact everything had a reason. I'm sure if I watched it a bit longer I'd find a couple of plot holes, but for the life of me the only one I can find right now is how Amy got around without a car in such a small village.

Still It's early days now, let's see how we develop!

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