Sunday 23 January 2011

The lost of Caprica YAY!

Ohh I feel vindicated

Now I've deliberately avoided everything I came across with Caprica. I have an intense hatred of RDM's Battlestar Galactica, seriously I loath it with every fibre of my being.
I saw the pilot episode of Caprica and almost went in to a psychotic rage, everything I hated in the show was twisted into something worse. The religious terrorism angle has gotten old, very fast. The massive leaps in convenience and contrivance, leaving plot holes in their wake, have gotten worse. Then there's the angst, oh god the angst. Every character seems to be riddled with angst, and rather than learning from their mistakes and growing, as anyone else would, we still have the hollow soap opera style that drove me batty before.
When you watch a soap opera you know, just know that certain characters will never learn form their actions, never grow and develop and never, ever, think. It is what's known as an "idiot plot" where people make idiot decisions simply to move the emotional plot along. Even if it goes against their character and personality.
In short I can pick this show apart for hours at a time. On any signal subject; from the Cylons (their plan sucks, makes no sense on retrospect and the end goal is apposed to the results they achieve when it works), the Galactica's crew (do they even a gram of sense between them?), the god storyline (urm, why? Seriously I'd love to go toe to toe with the writers on this one), the whole mess with the Final Five (oh the plot holes they had to paste over with clumsy retcons made the whole story look like one big bandage) and every other part of this insult to intelligence.
Caprica is worse, every level seamed to be tailor made for people who didn't like BSG to loath even more. Heck even some of the most obsessive BSG fans hated the show, and the clumsy characters to the point that by the end a three episode marathon to wrap the show up brought in less than a million viewers.
Less than a million, I want anyone reading this to realise that. Less than a million people watched this. Even more people watched the end of Galactica 1980, look it up!
Ahh well, I'll probably get it on DVD sooner or later if only to feel righteous rage at the incompetence.

This does, however, mean have a problem. Syfy has now cancelled two of it's flagship programs very recently. We've also lost Stargate completely, with the proposed Atlantis movie cancelled and very little on the horizon. Only a crappy remake of Being Human on the cards. While the UK is still experiencing a massive sci-fi renaissance the US seems to be ignoring it. Heck even the channel supposedly devoted to science fiction is trying to distance itself from the concept.

Thank god for Doctor Who.

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