Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Transformers 3 again

I am painfully aware that my last ramble made about as much sense as replying "monkey's are funny" to the question of "how meny fingers am I holding up?"

It had been a long day and I wasn't thinking straight, or beyond "Hate Hate, Kill Kill now please!"

Allow me to expand:-

I think the casting of Rosie whatever in Transformers 3 Dark of The Moon is the thing I am most dreading. I was not, in any way, inspired with confidence when I first heard she got the part because she was a Victoria secret model and turned up for the audition in her underwear. After seeing the promotional images and the couple of clips that have found their way onto the internet I just want this film to go away.
I didn't think it was going to be possible for Bay to find a worse actress than Fox, but he did.
I'd like to believe that I was a sensible young man, with the right priorities. If not necessarily in the right order, but I find both this blow up doll and the vacuous piece of wood that was Fox two of the most repulsive creatures on the planet.
Having to watch these two attempt to act is on par with having my wisdom teeth removed through my nose. While Fox wasn't given much to do but stand there and scream "SAM!" really loud and from the looks of things that's this girls job description too that's not a good thing.
It saves us from the painful acting, but sets the women empowerment movement back about two hundred years. For craps sake, hitting them with a frying pan would be an improvement.
Hell there was an episode of the original Transformers with Carly on Cybertron. She had her car disintegrated beneath her and then busted her ankle trying to run away. That version was more empowered. Hell, while Spike (read Sam) had to carry her a lot of the way it was her computer kills that was able to hack their way through the door.

When a cartoon from the 1980's, especially one that had episodes like The Girl who Loved Powerglide, treated women better than these films seem to, oh boy.

Now let me be clear I'm still about 12 hours away from seeing this turkey, and I'm actually trying to talk myself into it. Does that explain how I feel? I'm one of the biggest Transformers fans you're likely to meet and I'm so disillusioned by the trailers and spoilers I'm about ready to wash my hands of the whole thing. Not even the positive early reviews can convince me 100 percent.

I don't want to go into a film doubting if I'm going to like it. I'll take a risk on a DVD, when I can hit the pause button and take a break but the commitment behind a film in the cinema is a bit too much. Where I live its a fifteen min journey to the nearest theater, by bus. Then there's the time invested watching it (two and a half hours), getting back. It's a whole afternoon, an afternoon where I can't write, read or do anything else but sit in a darkened room watching an oversized TV.

To continue my sob story, there's no one to watch it with. If I'm going to do this I want to be sure I'm going to enjoy it. I don't want to come out of the cinema grumbling. The last film made me delusional to the point where I imagined there was something positive. I accepted that, just so I would go to see a film again.

So what positives are there. Leonard Nimoy. He's back in Transformers, this is a good thing. From what I've heard though... it's a cameo. Ugh. The backing cast are excellent, and are under used. How do I know they are under used? BECAUSE THIS IS A FILM ABOUT ROBOTS FIGHTING. They're not the stars of this film, they are cameos. Thats it. If they're not cameos then this isn't Transformers is it. Much like the last two the focus is on the humans, not the bloody robots we want to see. We've paid to see robots fighting, not humans.

I can just tell all the time is going to be spent on this guest cast, rather than establishing the Transformers. This is the third film, and new Transformers on both sides with no establishing facts.

I can take any of the positive points and show them to be crap, and I haven't even seen the film. This is bad. Extraordinarily bad people.

Forget it. I will catch this on DVD, but unless I hear a glowing review I can respect forget it.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Transformers 3. The warning signs.

Looking back on it I was incredibly kind to the second Transformers movie. It really was one of the worse films I've ever seen, I have over used the skip function on the DVD and it's just empty, soulless and pathetic

There is no hiding the fact that Transformers exist solely to sell toys, but the reason it's survived for so long and well loved by hard core fans like myself is the depth of work gone into it. Look at how well written Beast Wars and Animated was. A good group of writers can really access the potential Transformers has. Aliens, wars that have lasted millions of years, sacrifices, struggles, morality, the list is endless.

One of the more interesting points had always been, however stereotyped, everyone of the transformers, Autobots and Decepticons, had their own characters. The cowardly Starscream, the heroic Optimus, the overconfident Powerglide, the arrogant Skylynx, eminently logical Shockwave, monotone Soundwave, the list goes on. The point of that is everyone has their own favorites, every transformer looks and behaves differently.

The reason I mentioned those two important points is that is what people like about Transformers. Yes there's the whole giant robots beating the crap out of each other, but under that is the diversity and scale of this war.

On paper Bay should be the perfect person for this. His utter lack of subtly, over reliance on clichéd characters and love of really big explosions is exactly what is needed. And that's why these films haven't worked. Look at Kenneth Branagh as the director of Thor. Would you have expected that to work as well as it did? How about Simon Pegg's scene stealing performance as Scotty, the best thing about that movie, never would have called it. Peter Jackson's biggest film before LOTR was the Frighteners and Bad Taste. Breaking expectations like this has proven to be a good idea. It shows how someone can look deeper and produce something others wouldn't necessarily see.

This is why Bay is precisely the wrong person for these films, he churns this sort of film out in his sleep. It's like hiring Roland Emmerich to do another disaster movie or Shyamalan to do an episode of the twilight zone. There's nothing new they're going to bring to the table, just churn out the same old crap in a different wrapper.

Having this guy do the third one is rubbing salt on an old wound. What's worse is, reading rumours and spoilers show that he hasn't learnt anything. Even when he knows the second film failed on every level he misses why. Sure the Twins were bad, but so were the parents, and it was only after massive fan backlash that he backtracked on the whole Leo Spitz character and canned him.

Still there is one thing that really sets off alarm bells, the romantic interest. Megan Fox's Mikaela Banes was horrendous. She can't act for spit, the character was ignorant to the point of idiocy and was there simply as eye candy for horny teenagers. There was absolutely zero chemistry between her and Sam and just felt like a love interest shoe horned in for the sake of it. No secret there, but Fox has gone.
Leaving us with Carly, played by, god help us, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. I did not think it was possible to cast someone worse than Fox, all we've seen is the trailer and it hurts. Physically painful. All we see is her in expensive and revealing dresses that aren't even close to practical.
She is going to destroy this film. and after everything we know that really worries me.

Saturday, 11 June 2011


With the new film X-men First Class doing quite well for itself in the Cinema I just want to mention something.

Now over the years I've tried to get into X-men, one version or another. The comics, the 90s cartoon, the films and I have one thing to point out. It's incredibly dull. Sorry to all the Marvel fans out there who think its the best thing since sliced bread, but it's not.

The whole thing is a one trick pony. Mutants as a metaphor for those rejected by society. Congratulations Stan Lee that was slightly witty, and very risky for the time (1960's) what next? Urm? You have a vast cast of characters with a variety of social and personal disorders staring in what basically boils down to a Soap Opera.

Now I give the original concept a thumbs up, even if I can't get behind the science (and when I can legitimately question Comic book science, worry deeply) but a concept can only last so long. Sooner or later you have to develop it, fertilize it, let it grow. Where has the Concept gone? Sure the Characters have changed (then been reset, changed again and reset again, repeat as needed) but where has the single witty part of the story gone. Have Mutants been more or less accepted, has the hatred increased or wained? Nothing and that's my biggest problem with the whole stinking Marvel Universe.

Here, let me expand on that point. It's an established fact (sorry to say) that the people in the Marvel Universe are rock stupid, arrogant, bigoted, ignorant, fools. That is, if I was being kind to them. The only reasonable people seem to be the mutants. It's a very us verses them mentality, especially when most comic and science fiction fans feel alienated by certain members of society. Just once I would like to see someone form New York that supports, or is even on the fence, with Spiderman. seeing the good he does and point out that he's just a person. He can make mistakes. Or someone from the public argue that mutants can't help being born that way and just because they've got fantastic night vision doesn't mean they are the spawn of satan.

It's this very one sided and bias view that Marvel seems to have (and X-Men spearheads) that puts me off the whole idea. It's so predictable, whenever someone does eventually speak up for the minorities (that always seem to be around every corner and under every rock) they turn out to be a closet Mutant (read homosexual, dyslexic, jew or whatever). The whole attitude is incredibly dated. Just to make things worse, much like the horrendous One More Day debacle, there seems to be a status quo in the Marvel universe. While DC likes to reboot the whole franchise every few years (long story) to shake things up a bit (thats the short version) Marvel always hits the reset button, that or spawn a whole new universe hoping to draw people into reading.

So in summation I dislike Marvel, mostly because of X-Men and find the new movie pointless. Most importantly it seems that the X-men franchise is taking place outside of the Marvel movie universe. Meaning that other than a few references it doesn't look like Joss Whedon's going to be playing in that sand box in the upcoming Avengers movie (thank God).

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Doctor Who Mid season

Okay, I hate to say this but that was predictable.

Every twist and turn I could foresee easily. I'm not going to give any spoilers here but come on, give me a break. There are still a lot of questions, and I'm going to ask one in a moment, but at just about every point I rolled my eyes.

It was well acted, produced and written, but sadly predictable.

That wasn't the only disappointment here. I was really looking forward to the Doctor going to war. Serious war, pulling out the weapons he used in the Time War. A Gauntlet, or a Rod. Hell something, He's peeved, seriously, can you thing of a better time to show that sort of thing off? It would be interesting, show just how deadly the Doctor could be. We know how dangerous he can be with just a screwdriver, imagine him armed! See what I mean by disappointing?

Okay, here we go. The real problem. Why? What was this all for? A war against the Doctor. First of all that's really, really stupid. Then again one man's hero is another's villain I get that but why go to war with him? That's more than poking a bear, its sticking your head into the Lions mouth, kicking it in the nuts and then blaming the bear. What could they possibly, possibly do that makes him that big a threat?

The big point of the Doctor is that he only comes after those that deserve it. He's not some psychopath that obliterates planets for a laugh. There has got to be a reason for this. Something. The bad guys (or should I say woman) even admit's that he's a good man. For fucks sake, no one wants to be the bad guy. Kidnapping pregnant women and stealing children from them my god in heaven, there is no moral right in that. Why were they so afraid of him?

I hope we find an answer to that. Another question I hope we get some sort of answer to is why the Doctor didn't check. It would be the first thing I would have done. Hell I'd have torn the computers and the child's DNA appart looking for the smallest thing. They had the child a month. A freaking month, not to mention the whole pregnancy. They could have done anything. Heck why not just plant a bomb, or a black hole, or something on the asteroid to kill everyone.

It's not that difficult. It's only the fact that these priests are militantly stupid, arrogant and so enamoured of a ridiculously complex and overwrote plan that they forget Occam's Razor (the logical idea that a straight line is the most likely path between to points). Just kill him. It's not that hard. As powerful as a Time Lord is it's not like he just regenerate in a god damn vacum. Detonate the whole asteroid and kill everyone. Leave the Doctor afloat in space, but no they have to be over complicated and make this predictably complex mess a solution.

Then again "Let's Kill Hitler" looks intersting, shame we have to wait four months