Long before NuWho made it popular I could be found digging though second hand videos looking for old releases of Classic Who adventures. Once every so often I'd come across one and revel in what I had unearthed, with great difficulty and effort I had a smattering of stories I could enjoy. I couldn't pass up the chance to meet at least one companion, three at once was just too great for words.
After standing in line for almost an hour I realised I hadn't a clue what to say or do. I didn't even have anything for the to sign! Quickly casting about I saw a ridiculously overpriced envelope, five minutes later I was standing before one of my heroes; Nicholas Courtney, otherwise known as the Brigadier.
Since that meeting I've heard several interviews and commentaries by the man and every time I have my respect for him has grown. He enjoyed the character and the place it played in British Pop culture, was always ready to talk with fans and both in and out of character always a gentleman. It was always obvious that he had tremendous fun with his work and unlike many actors in Science fiction perfectly comfortable with it being his defining role.
It is with great sadness I write this as, yesterday, Tuesday 22 February, 2011. He passed away. Goodbye sir, if there's any room up there I'll buy you a pint in a good few years...
It is with great sadness I write this as, yesterday, Tuesday 22 February, 2011. He passed away. Goodbye sir, if there's any room up there I'll buy you a pint in a good few years...
Nicholas Courteny
1929 - 2011
Hey, I just found your fanfiction site, and love the Doctor Who Crossovers. I just wanted to know if you were going to continue any of them, since the last updates I saw were from 2008.