Tuesday 15 June 2010

Doctor Who City of the Daleks and The Lodger

Alright let's get it over with, the avatars in COTD are awful. They look like wax work models that have been half melted out of shape. If this was five years ago there wouldn't have been much problem but now they just look bad.

Anything else, well yes as a matter of fact:- The game makes the Daleks half blind, you can quite literally stand ten feet from them and they can't see you. If they are stationary you can just run past them if you time it just right. Those that move are beyond stupid and will run into walls, until the warning is gone. After sounding the alarm they just mill around for awhile and then return to their patrol as if nothing has happened. Rather than lock the doors and hunt down their greatest enemy they decide to invite you up to the emperor for tea, biscuits and the revelation of their diabolical plot. These Dalek drones have all the wit and power of a Voyager era Borg, you could defeat them by knotting a string.

You're forced into the liner environment, meaning that when you try something outlandish like thinking it hamstrings you. Forcing you to crawl between the Daleks rather than just go around them. Even when the only thing in your way is a little pile of rubbel. Events are scripted in such away that the most difficult puzzle is a breeze if you outwit the programers (hack the console under the eye second, that way when it speeds up on the furthest console you can just nip past it and Bob's an uncle).

Amy is more of an annoyance here than anything else. She's always lagging behind getting shot and when she's not pointlessly dragging along side like a boat anchor at sea she's telling you things you already know. The one witty puzzle (smash the boards with a old taxi) is pretty worthless with her blurting out the answer every time you turn around. Often running into her. Another way to drag the game along is the pointless collectables. Where hidden across the maps are cards to collect, rather than giving me a sense of accomplishment I'm left asking who the hell left these things behind?

The plot has more holes in it than a fourth rate Fan fiction story. Where did the Time Lords get this Eye of Time from? How did the Daleks find it if it was lost in the vortex with the destruction of Gallifrey (that was never destroyed only lost in a subspace dimension)? Most importantly what happens to it at the end of the story? Wouldn't the Doctor pick it up, rather than let the Daleks try and find it again? What is the repercussions of having the Core of the Time Vortex out there?

Why, if the Daleks wanted to exterminate the human race, did they not just vaporise Earth? Fire it into the sun or use one of the million or so Bio-weapons they have stored up? If Sylvia is the last human how come she is so clean, well fed and has access to high explosives? Why are the Daleks hunting her when it would be far easier to just obliterate the city from orbit? How do we know she is the last human? How is she sane?

Have I finished. No. If there are these great chasms in Trafalgar Square how do we go down to the underground? Why is the power still on when there is only one human left in the world?

This whole game is one long mess from beginning to end. At times Karen Gillian sounds like she was just phoning in the lines. Hello, your very existence is being removed from time, Earth has been utterly conquered and the most dangerous race in the universe has access to the very core of the big bang, things can't be much worse! Matt Smith tries, but he still hasn't a clue what's going on. Hello, you're in the Dalek's capitol city and it sounds like you're on a trip to Tesco's. You can tell the two of them were locked in a cupboard with a microphone and a handful of lines with no clue what they were doing.

New Who has been a bit fast and lose with continuity but Skaro was destroyed by an exploding star. There is nothing left! You can't just rewrite that, it happened. If the time war did alter history that much the universe would have spun off it's axis. The whole point of the Time Lords banishment from existence and the Time Lock is to stop that from happening!

I need to calm down. I'm going to watch The Lodger again.

Alright The Lodger wasn't that bad. It wasn't as good as recent episodes but it was on par with the Beast Below. Good acting from the guests and regulars as ever.

I don't want to give away to much but I'm getting a bit antsy about technology that needs emotion to operate. There's also little things, like why is there no hole in the roof when the ship goes. Where did the money come from? and finally where does the time ship go?

Right no more questions. This was a good episode, if a little out of continuity.

Coming next The Pandorica.

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