Saturday 19 September 2009

The Last Starfighter

I have one question for those of you who do read this thing, but first he's a little background.

Among the films I saw in my childhood an odd little film called The Last Starfighter sits quite high in my all time favourites list. It's a fairly standard coming of age story where a young man is lost in middle America. His name is Alex and his future looks grim. While he is a bright and skilful person he needs a chance to prove it.
So he spends his free time playing the one arcade machine in the trailer park where his family lives. A game called Starfighter. Only not all is what is seams. The game is, in reality, a combination of training simulator and testing platform. By beating the high score Alex comes to the attention of the alien that built the machine, Centauri.
From there Alex is swept up in a galactic war, with the fate of thousands of inhabited worlds hanging in the balance. As he is The Last Starfighter

Now there are better films. Better acting, better scripts and more realistic visual effects, but this film is fun. It achieves it's goals and does it with good humour an solid morals. Everything I want in a film. I'm doing a video review of this cult classic, at least I want to and here's my problem.

As of now there is both a HD-DVD and a Blu-Ray release, in region 1. That means NTSC and completely useless to me here in the UK. What makes this worse (ohh yes, it does get worse) is while there is a basic DVD release (and even a Special Edition Widescreen version) they too are only available in NTSC.

Here's the question, why the hell haven't they released it for the UK Market. I know for a fact it's got enough of a cult following to warrant it. so what is it that that stops it from being released?

That's the question, anyone have answer?

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