Monday, 30 March 2009

Star Wars

As a massive sci-fi fan please note the importance when I say I think I've grown out of Star Wars.

When this come form a guy still obsessed with transformers, worry!

Maybe it's not that, it could just be Star Wars burn out. I started off with two Videos, the last half of Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi (the first half of empire was lost to the ravages of a broken video player in the late 80s). I watched them through and through and loved every minute of them.

I grumbled with the rest of hard core fandom when Han shot last and would talk about it to anyone and everyone who would listen. I refused to get the special edition versions because I saw them as sacrilege, eventually buying the limited edition DVD set with the "Original" footage bonus disk (I'm sure the elves in Lucasfilm's headquarters sneaked something in, they can't help themselves)

Back in the day Star Wars was fantastic, an occasionally fun well crafted story taking the classic fantasy fairy tale and transposing it into a space setting. Right down to the "long time ago, far far away" opening and the kidnapped princess in the evil kings tower. But the more I grow up the more I see it was just a gimmick, a clever one but a gimmick never the less.

No the burn out didn't come from watching it continuously as a kid. I watched the Classic Battlestar almost as much and I still enjoy it as much now as then. The problem and source of the burn out is the parodies; Family Guy and Robot Chicken's work to be precise. They are just so much better! More fun, better structured (coming from RC that's a first) and not limited to Star Wars.

They lampoon everything from horse racing to Dirty Dancing. Wonderfully disturbing and amusing at the same time. Take another example:- Lego Star Wars; the computer game. It's so silly an idea that it almost has to work and it does, brilliantly.

It takes wit and intelligence to craft these parodies the likes of these. Walking the careful line between insult and homage. I urge any and everyone to catch these things when they can and revel.

And, on reflection, I know why I can't watch the originals anymore. The scars on my soul from the prequel trilogy. I'm so used to tearing that crap to shreds on message boards and shouting at the screen that I can't look it in the eye without remembering how watching Episode One stole two hours of my life.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Say hello to Stubby (the stag) and Rascal (the fox).
The two of them are proposed characters for a comic strip I'm planning on producing for East Lancashire Camra ( ) If I'm given the go ahead I'll be making a strip for the quarterly newsletter Witch Ale. It's going to feature these ttwo and a cast of regulars in their local pub. Th' Henhouse. I will also be publishing the strips here.
Heck even if Camra don't want them they're being made and are going up here, so get used to seeing them. coming soon!